The PGC Blog

June 12, 2024
After years of work and effort,  our Class Defence trial completed final arguments on June 10, 2024 in Calgary Tax Court.  Our legal team felt the day went really well for us.  Now we await the Judge to render his decision.   It is expected before the end ot 2024
June 7, 2018                    Joel Scheuerman Joins the Legal Defence Team
An amazing addition to our Class Defence Legal Team.   Joel Scheuerman, BA, MA, BCL, LLB   is taking on the litigation phase as we approach our day in Court.   Meet Joel Now.
February 1, 2017        The New Legal Team to Protect You From CRA Collections
Join our Class Defence and we'll go to work for you.   Come to a Free Seminar or call us at 519-964-2780 for more information on how we can help you.   Or email [email protected]   
We are here to help you!
November 23, 2016       What's So Wrong With Profitable Giving??
Most of the Profitable Giving programs in Canada have resulted in huge benefits for the recipients of the donations.   For the recent Pharma programs as an example,  thousand of lives have been saved and human suffering greatly alleviated. This is certainly true in AIDS ravaged Africa and also after the earthquake in Haiti.   Many of these people would be dead now without the help and generosity of Canadian donors.   So why is the CRA on a misison to shut down all of these donations?    Why are they so intent on making life miserable for all of the particpants in Profitable Giving?  The National Media often supports the CRA with Bad News stories, when in fact, they are often Good News stories.  You be the Judge after watching this 9 minute VIDEO.  
October 14, 2016           Notice Of Confirmation


The CRA has begun a very large scale  issuing of Notices of Confirmation.   Did you get one yet?   Do you know what a Notice of Confirmation is?    Do you know how to respond?   This type of Notice from CRA demands an immediate response that many taxpayers don't know about!     Read More.....
June 15, 2016               Don't Be Scammed By Calls Supposedly from CRA.

Many people have been receiving alarming phone calls from individuals claiming to be CRA employees.  These callers tell taxpayers that CRA is investigating them for tax evasion and is launching criminal charges,  collection activities, seizing bank accounts,  police arrests, etc, etc, etc.....   Many people who participated in a Gifting Arrangement, and have been through the CRA reassessment process are especially susceptible to these "CRA" calls.     Read More.....


Jan 15, 2016                 A Couple of Victories for Canadian Taxpayers !

Recently,  the CRA  has abandoned their GTS Policy regarding taxpayers who participated in Registered Gifting Arrangements.   This results from recent Court Cases, the  most noticeable one the McNally case.   Previously, CRA was withholding tax assessments for these taxpayers for up to 3 years, and then denying all the gifting arrangement tax credits claimed.   Now,  CRA is issuing assessments for all of these returns that were being held.   Read More.....

Another case involved an Individual named Irvin Leroux.   After a nearly 20 year battle,  Mr Leroux finally finished his Court fight with CRA.  The result was a firm statement that CRA owes taxpayers a "Duty of Care".   This means that if taxpayers are not properly treated by CRA,  the taxpayer can legitimately sue the CRA for damages.    Read More....


Dec 21,  2015              Did You  Receive Your 2012  Tax Assessment??

If you participated in the Mission Life (MLF) or Pharma Gifts International (PGI) tax shelters in 2012,  another wave of tax assessments is being issued by CRA.  They are denying all the donations made through the tax shelter.   If you disagree with the CRA denying your donations, you have the right to file a Notice of Objection (NOO).   This must be done within 90 days of the date on your Notice of Assessment, and then you can file for the refund to be issued.   PGC has a template NOO for 2012 and 2013 in Section 4.2 of our Members Section.   We also have instructions on how to apply for the refund to be issued.



Dec 16, 2015                 Are Both Interest Clocks Ticking Away on YOU ........?

If you participated in one of the Pharma tax shelter programs currently under PGC Investigation, you may not realize that time is running out on you.   After you filed your Notice of Objection,  everything went quiet and you may even have forgotten about your situation.   However, there are two Interest Clocks that are ticking up interest on you and someone will eventually come collecting.    What are these interest clocks??    How can I stop them from ticking??     Read More....



Oct 7, 2015                  Why Should I Join the PGC Class Defence to Defend My Tax Credits?

Why do we need to go to Court to defend ourselves from the CRA?   Why don't we just wait and see what happens, I'm not hearing anything from CRA right now?   No NEWS is not GOOD NEWS.   No News is just No News.   CRA has an effective tactic of waiting and wearing down the tax shelter companies till they put them out of business.   Then, when there is no money left to defend their donors,  CRA starts confirming reassessments and comes after taxpayers to pay back their tax refunds with interest compounded daily for 10 - 15 years.   It's enough to  bankrupt many people.   So the PGC Class Defence for the 4 Pharma Programs listed is just about the only hope participants have to join together to defend their rights in Tax Court.... Read More


Sept 7, 2015              Beware of Integrated RM Inc

 Have you been contacted by Blair Wright at Integrated RM Inc (IRMI)??   If you participated in one of the four tax shelter companies currently under PGC investigation,  it is just a matter of time.  They are systematically contacting all Mission Life clients right now.   Read More






July 7, 2015                 Why Should I Worry About My Donation Debt??

Out of sight, out of mind!   If you participated in one of the tax shelter programs presently under PGC investigation,   you may have forgotten all about your donation debt. Or maybe you didn't even realize you had a real debt.    But in reality, the method used to get your large tax refund was based upon that debt.  Without the debt, you would get no big tax refund.  So you need to pay attention to the debt if you want to keep the tax credit, otherwise CRA will eventually get it back with interest.    Read More....




June 8, 2015                Should I Pay my Tax Refund back to the CRA?

The CRA has been constantly and consistently re-assessing donors who participated in the tax shelter programs listed below. The re-assessments are a formal demand to repay the tax credits you originally received.   If you are one of these donors,  you have decisions to make.  Some agents for the programs are now advising their clients to pay back the CRA,  it is futile to object.   One has to wonder why these agents have had such a change of heart from when they originally promoted the strengths of the programs.....   read more






March 14, 2015            The Canada Revenue Agency is Making Settlement Offers to Taxpayers

The CRA has been making Settlement Offers to Canadian Taxpayers who have participated in certain RPGA Programs, commonly called donation tax shelters.  These offers are very confusing and stressful for taxpayers and many of them don't know what to do...    As a service to our Members,  PGC has prepared a summary of these recent offers as well as an indication of what our other Members are doing and the options taxpayers have when dealing with  these offers......   read more.


December 6, 2014        What is Going on at the Canada Revenue Agency?

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)  is a critically important part of society's administrative functions and should truly be operating and functioning without reproach.    Most Canadian taxpayers have an inherent fear of CRA and their apparent dominion over taxpayer finances.   Why then, have there been so many recent legal actions  taken against the CRA, including being sued for hundreds of millions of dollars?   It appears to us, that CRA  (or a few powerful individuals within CRA)  have so overstepped their authority boundaries to further their personal goals that taxpayer rights have been trampled in the meantime.   Increasingly,  taxpayers are revolting and the Courts are siding with them..... read more.


December 3, 2014           Most People Have Never Heard of the Fourth Sector (reprinted from 2011)

In January 2011, while in Winnipeg, Manitoba, PGC presented to an open audience of Philanthropreneurs and business people. A small group of 52 people, yet at the end of the 56 minute presentation, 17 people stood in line afterwards to share their thoughts and comments with us. People have never heard of the Fourth Sector.....  read more